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Message to Rasheed Taylor

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Rasheed Taylor - verified lawyer in Houston TX

Rasheed Taylor

Taylor Law Firm
(832) 463-1003
(832) 463-1003

About Rasheed Taylor

An experienced personal injury lawyer, who is not afraid to go to trial (if needed), can help you recover enough money to pay for the damages that you have incurred. We believe in aggressively pursuing every legal solution available to our clients!

Our car accident attorneys help clients in Houston, Texas who have suffered serious injuries in a traffic accident. Expert legal representation can help you recover monetary damages so that you can afford medical treatment, and begin to get your life back on track. If you need to speak to an auto accident attorney in Houston, then give us a call at (832) 463-1003 or visit our main website at

Our law firm helps clients who have been seriously injured in an auto accident. We can help you recover for your losses so that you can afford to pay your medical bills, and be made whole again.

If you have suffered any significant injuries at all, you should consult with an experienced, Houston personal injury attorney. We can inform you of the likelihood of a successful legal case. If you are in a Houston car accident, give us a call for a free consultation.


Texas, United States Licensed for 14 Years 3 Months Nov 2010 14 Years 3 Months Nov 2010


Skill: Conversational Lawyer


Texas Southern University - Thurgood Marshall School of Law Juris Doctor Law 2010
University of Florida Bachelors Business Administration 2005


Houston Trial Lawyers Association Member 2015
Houston Lawyers Association Member 2012


Primary Office Location

pin 2616 S Loop W Fwy, #608 Houston TX 77054

pin (832) 463-1003

Social Media

Facebook page for Rasheed Taylor - verified attorney in Houston LinkedIn page for Rasheed Taylor - verified attorney in Houston Twitter page for Rasheed Taylor - verified attorney in Houston
Message Rasheed Taylor
(832) 463-1003