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Message to Roxana Amiri

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Roxana Amiri - verified lawyer in Long Beach CA

Roxana Amiri

Law Office of Roxana Amiri
(562) 628-5565
(562) 628-5565

Practice Areas

About Roxana Amiri

We can help you and your family get immigrant (green cards) or non-immigrant visas to United States. We will work with you so you can find the best solution for you. We are licensed attorneys and we concentrate on only immigration law and nothing else. We speak English, French, and Farsi. If we can help you, we will let you know and work together towards your solution. If we cannot help you, we won’t give you false hopes. Our reputation and ethical values do not allow us to take a case, which has no chance or very little chance to be won. We are on your side.


California, United States Licensed for 24 Years 6 Months Jul 2000 24 Years 6 Months Jul 2000


Boston University LL.M Law


California State Bar Member 2000


Primary Office Location

pin 100 Oceangate, Suite 1200 Long Beach CA 90802

pin (562) 628-5565


Social Media

LinkedIn page for Roxana Amiri - verified attorney in Long Beach
Message Roxana Amiri
(562) 628-5565